Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Commissions and Donations

Hello everyone! Ever want someone to write a piece of music just for you? Here's your chance! :D

So, as many of you know, I moved to Canada recently to write music. Unfortunately, nothing's been as simple as I'd hoped and I'm in a bit of a hole. I have debt collectors from the USA after me for emergency room bills I've been unable to pay completely and my great grandfather will likely pass away in the next couple months, and it would mean a lot to me to be able to visit him before he dies.

Unfortunately, I'll be unable to get a job in Canada in the foreseeable future due to a lack of a visa (I'm here on a visitors passport for now). I've trying raising the quality of my music as a means to make money, but good quality VST's and music production software can cost hundred of dollars and simply is not feasible for me to get on my current and terribly limited budget.

Here's what I'm doing to fix these problems:

I've created a PayPal donation button on the right side of my blog (TheConstructionofArt.Blogspot.com) and I'll place a copy of it here:

Those of you who know me well, know that it is against my nature to ask for help- and that I've turned down lots of money from many different friends in the past. I still don't like asking for money at all though, so here's the deal:

Donations of $5 or more will put your name up on the new "Supporters" page. Donations above $20 will make your name on the Supporters page pretty and allow you to either say something on the Supporter page next to your name (subject to approval) or commission a song (subject to negotiation).

I have included the ability to add a note to your donation. If you would like your donation money to go any specific way, then please note there and I'll see that it goes to the correct place. Otherwise, I'll put the money towards whatever I see as the most urgent matter.

If I am unable to visit my great grandfather, any donations for which were requested to be used to visit him will be saved and offered back to their donators. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT ANY DONATIONS SENT BACK THIS WAY WILL HAVE A SMALL PERCENTAGE (~2.7%), this is the fee PayPal takes and there's not really anything I can do about it. :( Thank you for understanding.

Thank you very much everyone for all your support. <3

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