Sunday, July 24, 2011

MLP Game Medley

Hey guys! I know I said yesterday that I wouldn't be around for a while. I lied. :P I'm back just for a little bit because I finally got permission to post a song that I composed for a coming MLP Adventure game. Can't say anything about it except that I'm their musician and this is a medley I arranged to be played as the intro to their game. So yeah- expect more music soon.

Hasta Luego (for real this time)!!!

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ready, Set, Go!!!

Okay, so I'm done with my big job- the one that's kept me busy all summer, so after vacation this next week and a half, expect this blog to be getting very busy and I look forward to sharing what I can about my current three video game projects and posting what music the video game people don't keep here on my blog.

Hasta luego! (For now.)

P.S. While I WILL have my laptop over my vacation the whole point of a vacations is to VACATION. :P So yeah, see y'all later!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Lack of Posts

I thought I should explain that the lack of posts is due to a lack of news. :P For one of the busiest times in my life I've never had as little news as I do now to share. What about you guy(s) anything cool to share?


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

All Sorts of Nervousness. :/

Today's the day! I 'get' to perform "The Doctors Legacy" today. I don't know whether to be excited or petrified in fear. This is the first time I'll have played my own work in front of more than just my family and friends. *Deep breath*
Calm down Spencer. Just take deep breaths and imagine your favorite little marshmallowy equines...
So... Yeah- wish me luck! :P


P.S. Does anyone actually follow this blog or am I just talking to myself? Someone leave a comment so I don't feel so alone. Unless I really am alone... In this big wide world... All by myself. :/

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Music for a Game

Click Here For The Music! :D
I thought I'd let y'all know what I've been working on the last little while. I've been writing music for two games and script as well for one of them. I can't give any details but when they come out I'll let you know. Anyway, attached at the top is a link to one of the pieces I've composed for this game. Enjoy!


P.S. Oh yeah- it IS written for video game so when it cuts off at the end it'll really loop back to a part in the middle. :P

P.P.S. I used a vibraphone, ocarina, organ, synth/bass, and drum set for it.

P.P.P.S. Yes, this one's written in finale as well. :P

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Musicians Block

It's down perfect. I can play it flawlessly. And yet, it's not flawless. It's monotone. The music is monotone, apathetic, unfeeling. Why can't I play it with feeling? I feel like a musical failure. :/


P.S. The song in question is "The Doctors Legacy", I have to perform it on the 13th and no matter how much I play it it never sounds quite right. :/