Monday, November 7, 2011

What's going on?

Check out my new Tumblr HERE.

You know those times when you feel like you really need to write something but don't know what? This is one of those times. So... a little update on life I guess.

I am currently managing two blogs; The Construction of Art -and- The LPHSMLP Blog
I am managing an "Ask" Tumblr for two OC's from a Twitter RolePlay; Aria Notes (Responds with music) and Glados (responds with a story).
I am currently RPing 4 different characters in 2 different RP's.
I am currently writing music for two video games.
I am currently working on remixing every MLP Song.
I am currently managing two different YouTube accounts (both of which ARE active).
I am currently writing a story for NaNoWriMo.
I am currently writing and updating two different fictions (a "Dear Diary" type fiction and a normal adventure fiction.
I currently have NO TIME WHATSOEVER.
I am currently going insane.
I need a break. :P
Did I mention I also have two jobs, three band commitments (A Jazz, Classical, and Rock type band).
Sorry for not posting on this blog much anymore.

Your very busy blogger,