Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Taking Over The World - One Pony at a Time

I thought this was interesting- certainly worth the read.


  1. Just to drive this home, me and some friends came up with a Brony club for our high school, after an hour of minimal advertising we had 40 people sign up.

  2. This stuff is golden, keep it up, thanks for the support of mlp,fim

  3. I don't understand what the big deal is.

  4. Assuming that the two anons are different and that the second one is wondering why "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" is so awesome, the answer is because of the fanon.

    The show itself is very well done but the thing that really keeps me -and a lot of other bronies I'd think- interested in the show is the gigantic fanon surrounding it. From the amazing music to the heart-warming fanfictions, the fanon associated with MLP is honestly amazing.

    Thanks for your interest,
