Friday, October 4, 2013

Pork and Beans

So I had this really wacky lucid dream last night. It started out with me going back to Utah to visit my family, and while I was there I realized that I should grab a few personal items of mine to bring back to Calfornia with me. So I went to go grab my stuff from my secret hiding place.

Now, you know how sometimes you'll have three or four dreams with the same wacky thing in them? Well, that's the case with my secret hiding place. My secret hiding place is my dreamland dillusion that somehow there's a lever in my family's garage that I can pull that will open up a trapdoor on the wall that leads down a secret passage way into the ground. At the end of the secret passageway is cavern just beneath this old apple tree on our neightbors property where the roots have formed a sort of roof (I think I actually remember having a dream in the past where I had to dig out this mini-cavern).

Anyway, I'm trying to find the secret lever that opens the trapdoor to the tunnel when I suddenly remember that I'm supposed to be mowing the lawn and that my mom's going to get angry if I don't mow the lawn like I'm supposed to so I take the lawn mower and pull it just outside the garage and turn it on then leave it there hoping she'll think the sound means I'm mowing while I try and figure out what happened to the lever.

Now this is where it gets really wacky. I, for whatever reason, can't seem to locate the lever, so I just give up and go over to where I know the trapdoor is located to try and just pry it open somehow. You need to know that in my family's garage there are two workbenches on the side where the trapdoor is located and behind those we have a tendancy to keep like wood and old pipes and stuff. So I go ahead and move the workbenches (which are really heavy and much too cluttered to move easily in real life) and there's a big piece of plywood between me and the door. I move the plywood, and suddenly I'm buried in pork and beans on the garage floor. At that moment in time, my dad decides to come out to grab something from the garage so I quickly attempt to bury myself more completely in pork and beans so he won't realize that I made this giant mess. I'm unsuccesful and he sees me anyway and this is his response; he sighs really loudly and says "good thing I was already planning on going to the store to buy more pork and beans today".

Oh yeah- I should probably note that I had a video camera and the entire time I was trying to record me going down to the secret passage so that I could show people. Anyway though, the camera just disappeared after the whole pork and beans incident, so I guess it's not vital to the story. We did end up finding the lever and I grabbed my stuff.

Then Pierre landed on my face in real life and woke me up (this seems to be happening more and more frequently lately. I wonder if Pierre just likes the startled expression on my face when suddenly bird). I'm still pretty tired, which I guess is a side-effect of lucid dreaming, but when I woke up I knew I had to jot this down real quick for you guys. #Dedication #LucidDreaming #Hashtags

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