Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Alright! I know I haven't been around for a while, so have some news after the break!

First, changes to the blog!

As you can tell I've made quite a few changes to my blog. It now has a new background, layout, format, etc. Also, it's hooked up to my Google+ now.

Second, music!

Basically, if you haven't been to my YouTube channel please visit! I have a lot more and a lot better music, including my two recent releases "One Thousand Years" and "Sisters". I'll try to put 'em up here as soon as possible but I am VERY busy. :P

Lastly, life!

So here's the deal, I'm a high school student with no life, two jobs, three Blogs, and way too many Twitter accounts (you can find my main one at "@AdmiralCubie" I try to put updates on there as much as I can). So... yeah. I'm busy. I'll try to update this blog as much as possible but I had to 'hire' a blog slave for the other blog I used to run by myself just to stay on top of things there. XD

Um... yep! I think that's about it! :D


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