Friday, August 19, 2011

Decidedly Overly-Dramatic Late Night Musings...

Despite the commonly held beliefs of many I come into contact with, I am no stranger to hatred towards me due to my enjoyment of My Little Pony. I've never been able to take insults very well, I shut down and exile myself from those around me. Whenever I'm made fun of for MLP however, it doesn't hurt me. As far as I'm concerned MLP is the best thing to have happened to me in a long time. It's those who pursue me spitefully who are missing out, missing out on not just an amazing show but an amazing community. The two greatest pieces of modern literature I have ever read were spawned by by MLP. "Past Sins" (by Pen Stroke) which had me closer to tears (manly ones of course >.>) than any other thing I have ever read (<- this not being due in any way to a lack of reading sad stories, I have a certain addiction to emotional stories and tend to seek them out), and Solar Flare (by Dragryphon) which literally shook me to the core and is, as far as I'm concerned, the greatest and most powerful of Origin tales to grace modern media/literature.

So when I'm scorned and laughed at for enjoying something most consider childish and stupid I think about what MLP and the Brony community as a whole has given me, and think of literary masters like Pen Stroke and Dragryphon, who, through this commonly loathed TV show, shook something in me that I thought was untouchable by literary means.

I don't ask you to back down from your current stance towards MLP if you are a hater, but I would suggest that you spend a moment to decide just why you hate it, and then see if that reason is actually worth hatred you expend towards those involved.

Proud to be a Brony,

P.S. K, so I'm typing this on my iPod late into Lunas domain so please excuse the melodramatic undertone (<- decidedly a euphemism. ;P) of this entire statement.


  1. Oh yeah... And the whole point of this entire post was to advertise to amazing fanfictions, (Past Sins by Pen Stroke and Solar Flare by Dragryphon) I guess I kinda just got carried away. :P

    P.S. Does anyone know to to make pagebreaks on my posts so they don't flood my blogs entire homepage? This knowledge would be extremely helpful cause I'm to lazy (and tired) to move my thumbs around a bit and google it on my iPod. :P
